Are You in a Relationship with a Narcissist?

Do you ever feel like you are participating in a never-ending game of chess that you did not agree to play in the first place? 

Does being around that person make you feel anxious, so that you try to anticipate their moods to placate them?

Do you believe that, if you just tried harder, this person would understand and support you?

If so, you are not alone. It’s estimated that ten percent of the population has high narcissistic traits and that their behavior impacts at least ten other people. In the United States alone, that means that at least 240 million people are impacted by someone with NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). 

Many of us struggle to navigate the complex, confusing and manipulative dynamics of a relationship with a narcissist. Dealing with someone who has high narcissistic traits is exhausting. Narcissistic abuse–emotional, mental and physical–comes in many forms, including gaslighting, manipulation, obsessive control, financial exploitation, stalking, isolation and even litigation. Being the recipient of narcissistic abuse is disorienting and can trigger trauma responses that leave even the strongest person feeling alone. Narcissistic abuse is designed to instill fear and compliance, and will tax even the healthiest individual’s support system. 

My personal experiences led me to do in-depth research on identifying, dealing with, leaving and recovering from a relationship with a narcissist. My experience and knowledge led me to write a book, You Are Not Crazy: How to Identify a Narcissist and Recover from Narcissistic Abuse, which has been read around the world. My story has led many people to approach me for insight into their own situations. 

I understand the unique challenges you are facing. I offer one-on-one consulting sessions where I can offer suggestions and give you the guidance and support you need to identify, deal with and escape an individual with narcissistic personality 

traits and behaviors.

Who I work with:

      • Spouses and partners of narcissists

      • Those who are co-parenting with a narcissist

      • Adult children of narcissists

      • Parents of an adults who are in a narcissistic relationship or marriage[

      • Siblings of narcissists

      • Friends of narcissists

      • Colleagues and co-workers of narcissists

      • Individuals who have a narcissistic employers

    Why Choose Me?

    I approach every client with empathy and understanding. My goal is to create a safe space where you feel heard, are valued and are empowered to take control of your life. 

    I offer a very pragmatic approach to dealing with individuals with NPD based on my own life experiences and research.


    “Bren Worthinton’s breakthrough book, You Are Not Crazy, opened my eyes to the effects of narcissistic abuse and gave me hope. Consulting with Bren offered me the confidence and strength I needed to get my life back. She is a role model for me. She offers a unique perspective to the process of recovering from narcissistic abuse because she’s been through it herself. She cares and shares from her heart and life experience. She intuitively understands and knows how to help others reclaim their soul and inner strength. It’s a valuable opportunity to get help directly from an author who has impacted so many lives.” –Anna K.

    “Bren shepherded me through the hardest time in my life. She sat with me while I made the decision to leave my abusive marriage, was there for me when my daughter and I ended up in a domestic violence shelter the day we left, talked me through the divorce (her advice was often more valuable than layers). And then she coached me through post separation abuse and co-parenting hell. Bren is the big sister you need when escaping a narcissistic relationship.” –Anonymous

    “Both Bren’s book and her coaching were instrumental in my ability to deal with two narcissists in my life, one of which was my ex-husband. With her guidance, I was able to recognize triggers before they happened and recover from abuse much more quickly. I was able to commit more strongly to grey rocking my ex and she also helped me figure out strategies for helping my young adult when she was being financially and emotionally manipulated by her father. She is an amazing, compassionate and intelligent individual.”  –Lynn D. 

    Consulting Versus Therapy:

    It’s important to understand that consulting is different from therapy.  While therapy delves deeply into emotional healing and mental health issues, consulting focuses on providing practical strategies and support to deal with specific challenges.

    I am not a therapist; my role is to guide you through the practical aspects of managing relationships with narcissists based on your own personality and the tools you bring to the table. I offer insights and strategies to help you start to recover from narcissistic abuse and regain well-being. 

    I encourage everyone who is in a relationship with a narcissist to seek support from a licensed therapist or mental health professional who has a strong background in and personal experience with individuals with NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). In my humble opinion, it takes a team of support to recover from the subtle or overt abuse of a narcissist.

    Service Areas:

    Uncovering how the narcissist is impacting your life

        • Identifying a narcissist 

        • Identifying the red flags and symptoms of narcissistic abuse

        • Education around types of narcissistic abuse, including emotional, physical, and financial

      Decoupling from a narcissist

          • Breaking the narcissistic romantic abuse cycle

          • Learning how to grey rock and disengage from a narcissist

          • Dealing with in-laws, friends and other flying monkeys

          • Getting the most out of therapy

          • Identifying and eliminating surveillance

          • Support developing and executing a safe exit strategy

          • Securing your finances

          • Choosing and working with an attorney

          • Best practices to track and documenting behaviors of abuse

          • Navigating the family court system

          • Strategies for co-parenting with a narcissist

        Discovering and recovering your authentic self

            • Recovery from narcissistic relationships

            • Designing your unique recovery plan

            • Living in the present

            • Understanding and breaking patterns

            • Understanding generational abuse 

            • Right-sizing trauma and dealing with PTSD

            • Overcoming perfectionism

            • Building a positive support network

            • Developing financial intelligence and independence

            • Learning to love again 

          Take the First Step Toward Freedom and Healing

          You don’t have to face the challenges of dealing with a narcissist alone.  Email me using the contact form to schedule a consultation and start your path to empowerment and recovery. 

          If you are in a group that would like to book me to do a workshop or talk about aspects of identifying, dealing with, leaving and recovering from a relationship with a narcissist, please use my contact form to reach out. 

          Please sign up for my mailing list for news about upcoming workshops, readings, guest podcasts and more books!

          Amanda L.
          Amanda L.
          June 21, 2024
          Bren's Consulting services helped me in ways no other could. She understood the difficult and delicate situation I was in.
          John Doe
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