My Relationship With Barbie

My children used to call me Barbie, they would say “you can do anything Mom you’re just like Barbie”.

However, inside my plastic armor I was screaming and falling apart. I was afraid to show the world I had a multitude of serious health issues and was thwarting a Narcissist and their flying monkeys. I was dealing with the impossible. If I shared with people the truth of what I was experiencing, I would be gaslit and told “it can’t be that bad; have you tried forgiveness?”

So what did I do?

I donned a plastic exterior and looked and behaved like Barbie. I got in line with the rest of the world and behaved like nothing was wrong. This coping mechanism did not work for me. So I decided to write the book You Are Not Crazy; How to Identify a Narcissist and Recover from Narcissistic Abuse in hopes to build awareness and a community of mutual understanding about narcissistic abuse. 

Thank you for reading,

Bren Worthington